Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy SA, the leader of the leasing market in Poland, has been helping small, medium and large companies in doing business for 25 years. As a member of one of the world's leading financial groups - the Crédit Agricole group - we provide you with an attractive offer and a guarantee of full legal and financial security. We support all industries, we finance the purchase of fixed assets and the implementation of investments. We have already been trusted by over 270,000 customers who keep coming back to us, appreciating the offer, professional advice and professional after-sales service. Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy S.A. will finance each of your regarding the offer of EFL S.A. contact its representative:
- Mirosława Tomiczek
- EFL S.A. branch in Częstochowa
- 42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Kiedrzyńska 9
- phone: (34) 368 23 74
- mobile: 603 078 149
- miroslawatomiczek@poczta.efl.com.pl